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When my weight loss was a like Days of our Lives


Do you remember this slogan, “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives”?

I was hooked on Days of our Lives in high school and even a couple of years into college. I can even remember it being on the TV at my grandma’s house when I was a child. Remember Marlena Evans? She died, she came back. She was possessed by the devil at some point. She had an evil twin somewhere along the way. She played the hero and the villain. Every soap opera has a Marlena. Soap operas are full of scandal, turmoil, secrets, everything that makes a compelling plot! Why am I bringing this up today?

My weight loss had become my own personal soap opera. It had crazy plot twists. It had secrets, turmoil, and scandal. I was stuck in the cycle of starting over again and again. My thoughts created feelings, and these feelings drove my actions. I stayed stuck in the pattern below, repeating it over and over again.

But then I broke it!! How? I changed my thinking. My thinking was creating my decisions about food and the way I felt about myself. Once I did that, it all changed for me. I developed the tools to

  • Stop restricting food so much

  • Stop beating myself up every time I ate something that wasn’t “on plan”

  • Enjoy flexibility

  • Be kinder to myself

  • Coach myself through difficult emotions

  • Coach myself through challenging situations

  • Prime my brain to think in a way that helped me

  • Create motivation when needed

I found the recipe for success, and I was happier and healthier. The weight came off and stayed off, and I no longer allow my weight to consume my thoughts.

So, if you are the hero and the villain in your own personal soap opera, let me share one tool that can help you prime your brain to start thinking differently and breaking the starting over cycle. EVERY DAY, ask yourself:

“How do I want to FEEL about myself today?” and then “What can I DO to get that feeling?”

  • Let your answer be 1-3 words, and write it down! It’s important for your brain to “see” it.

  • Reflect at the end of the day on how it went. Journal about it.

  • Commit to doing this every day for two weeks.

  • At the end of two weeks, take inventory on how you feel about yourself, and how you feel like you are doing in terms of “starting over”.

I have so many tools to help you break out of that negative self-talk, the all or nothing mindset, and that “starting over” cycle. I can’t tell you how excited it makes me to see women (and men) change their thinking and finally get out of their own way!

Here’s what one recent client said:

“Applying these simple tools made me realize how mean I have been to myself all these years. What you teach seems like something I should know, but taking these tools and using them has changed everything for me. I can’t thank you enough!”

It’s time to invest in YOU instead of investing in the next diet. If you want to learn how to ignite your inner coach, check out my services HERE. The 5-week package gives you 8 sessions over 5 five short weeks with daily support in between and customized homework made to address your personal obstacles.

If you want to jump on the phone and talk about it, click HERE to schedule a free chat. I look forward to hearing from you.

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