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How to refocus or "level up" your health goals


How to refocus or “level up” your goals 

When we’re losing weight or maintaining weight, it's so easy to let “old thinking” creep back in. It’s so easy to let old habits sneak back in. We can stumble on our consistency without even realizing some months. And then one month can turn into 2 or 3 and one day we ask ourselves, “how did I get back here again?” 

It’s not enough to think of our goals every now and then. Our habit brain can easily hijack our decision-making brain when we’re not thinking about our goals consistently. 

If this resonates with you, use this exercise to refocus for a new month (or even a new week!) and see where you can level up what you’re doing or how you’re thinking. Click HERE for a downloadable version.

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. What is my current status? Be honest and neutral here. This isn’t about evaluating what you’re doing wrong, but rather about what you might do to refocus or level up your commitment.

  2. Where do I want to be in a month? Again, be honest with yourself but also be realistic.

  3. What can I do to get there? Make a list of everything and anything you can think of to reach your goal. Big things, little things, out of the box things. 

  4. What am I willing to do? Review your list and get real with yourself. When you are honest with yourself, which of these things feel manageable? Pay attention to your body’s reaction as you contemplate each possibility. 

  5. Where do my current actions not align with my goals? If you want to refocus or level up your goal for the month, what are you currently doing that is not in line with that? This may be an action but it could also be the way you’re talking to yourself.

This is an exercise you can revisit each month to reassess your status or to create a new goal. 

If you would like some coaching on how to refocus or level up a personal goal, set up a session HERE and let’s talk about it. 

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